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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: Marcrist Wall Shaver

Demonstration Name:Coating Wall -Brick | Demonstrated on: 2/25/2000
Demonstration Site: Applied Research Center (formerly HCET)

Demo Objective

Decontamination of brick with 7 mils of Ply-Mastic - an Epoxy Polyamine coating primer and 1.5 mils of Ply-Thane 840 HS finish coating. Coated Brick Wall has dimensions of: 19'3.5" x 10'1.5".

Demo Results

The remotely controlled, Brokk mounted MWS300 Wall Shaver successfully demonstrated its ability to uniformly remove concrete or brick or simply a layer of coating at a moderate production rate. Unfortunately the demonstration experienced a considerable amount of downtime due to breakdown of some supporting parts, such as the bearings, and rain.


Decontamination of Coating Wall- Brick Decontamination of Coating Wall- Brick


Copyright 2011-2018 Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT)
Location: https://www.dndkm.org/technology/demofactsheet.aspx?name=coating+wall+-brick&techdemoid=91
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